Credit Policy
All the credit policy set up tasks are one-time activity but can be adjusted from time to time as the need arises. You should complete you credit policy set up tasks before using Bectran to process your customers' credit requests.
Credit Application Rules
This comes with default values but you may change any of the values. In particular:
- BATCH value for Credit Reference Reminder limits credit reference notification to a value you select.
- Financial Statements Requirement threshold: If you do not require financial statements for lower credit limits, you can set the threshold to suit your Financial Statement Threshold.
- Days to archive Open Request: You may change this to any number depending on how long you wish to retain requests with Open status on your Task Console and Recent Requests.
- Days to archive Closed Request: You may change this to any number depending on how long you wish to retain requests with Closed status on your Task Console and Recent Requests.
Approval Policy
- This comes with default values but you may change any of the values. The Approval levels are pre-set and values entered for Approval Limits must be in descending order.
- The approving officer is required to log on to his Bectran account before approving a credit request. This option can be turned off at any time where an approving officer could make a credit decision direct through the notification via email.
Company Logo
- Your company logo is used to customize your credit application interface for your customers. The logo size must be within the set dimension of 205x75.
Terms & Condition
- If you require an update to the terms and conditions on your credit application, notify Bectran Support and they can update these for you. The change will take effect for applications moving forward.
Personal Guarantee
- You may update your Personal Guarantee at any time. Changes made to the Personal Guarantee will not affect existing credit applications. Please notify Bectran Support for assistance.
- Personal Guarantee can be set up for each individual business in a multi-business organization. Selective personal information can be included in the Personal Guarantee.
Document Checklist
- You may change the document or data receipt checklist to suite your requirements.
Credit Terms
- You may change the credit terms to suite your requirements.
Document Management
- You may update your Document Management at any time. Changes made to the Document Management will not affect existing credit applications. This is wear you can add or remove documents that can be sent to the customer for completion or uploaded internally by the credit department.
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