1. ‘Amount Guaranteed’ field can be added to the Personal Guarantee section
The Amount Guaranteed field can now be displayed on the Personal Guarantee section. The user will have the option to make the field ‘Required’, ‘Optional’ or ‘Not-Required’ (which means it will not be displayed on the application).
- Navigation: Account Settings > Credit Policy > PG/Owner Officer (Add to Credit Application Form flag = ‘Active’)
- Note: If the flag is switched to ‘Inactive’, the Personal Guarantee Section will not be displayed on any type of application
Click on the ‘Update’ button to change the Requirement on the application:
i) Not Required: Amount Guaranteed field will not be displayed on the application
ii) Optional: Amount Guaranteed field will be displayed but will be optional for the customer to fill out
iii) Required: Amount Guaranteed field will be displayed and will be a required field on the application (in the Personal Guarantee section, example shown below)
2. Credit/Sales Pre-qualification by Application type
Credit Users can select for which specific applications (Credit, COD, Sole Proprietor) they want to enable Pre-Qualification. The pre-qualification type (Credit or Sales) can also be specified by the user.
- Navigation: Account Settings > Business Group > Select the Desired Business Group > Advanced Config > Credit Management Workflow > Sales Pre-Qualification Required - Review/Edit (Flag turned to ‘Yes’)
- Note: If the flag is turned to ‘No’, Pre-Qualification will NOT be active.
Click on ‘Update’ and make the following required selections, and click on save changes:
i) App type(s) - COD, Credit App, Sole Proprietor (check which application(s) should be subjected to pre-qualification)
ii) Pre-Qualification Mode (Credit or Sales)
iii) Default Sales Rep Assignment Status (Yes/No) – If Yes, select the Default Sales Rep as well.
Note: If no sales rep is selected, it will go to the default user for Pre-Qualification.
Now, whenever a Credit/COD app is submitted, it will have to go through Sales Pre-Qualification first and the default Sales Rep Assignment would be to Jim Halpert in this example.
3. Making Job Contractor Info Required/Optional on Job Sheets
Job Contractor email and phone number can now be required/optional fields and the user can choose the contactor type(s) (General Contractor, Owner, Sub Contractor) for which they want these changes to be reflected.
- Navigation: Account Settings > Organization > Custom Credit App > Select the required Business Group > Job Sheet – Page 1 > Make Job Contractor Info. Required – Review/Edit (Flag turned to ‘Yes’)
Note: If the flag is turned to ‘No’, the Job Contractor Information will be optional on Job Sheets.
Here, the user can select the customer role(s) for which they want the contact information (Phone # and Email) required in each section of the job sheet.
Now, this will be reflected on the Job Sheets / Paper Jobs – For General Contractor and Owner Contractor roles, the Phone # and Email fields will be required but for Sub Contractor role, the Phone # and Email fields will be optional in this example.
4. AR - Payment Method and Description attributes added when payment data is sent from ERP to Bectran
AR Users will now be able to see the Payment method and Description for payment (if any) under the Invoice Balance Reconciliation details. If not payment method is provided, ERP – ACH (eCheck) will be displayed by default.
- Navigation: AR Mgt. > Customer Account > Invoices (Open/Closed) > Invoice Balance Reconciliation
Optional fields have been added to the Invoice Payment Payload:
i) Payment Method:
- If it is provided in payload, it will display the provided details
- If payment is made from the payment portal, the label for portal payments will be displayed
- If nothing is provided in the payload, it will be defaulted to ERP – ACH (eCheck)
ii) Description: displays the description provided in the payload
5. AR - Limiting Account Hold View by Portfolio
AR Users have the ability to view Order/Account Hold(s) at the Portfolio level.
- Navigation : Account Settings > AR Settings > AR Policy > Select the desired Business Group > Limit Order Hold view by Portfolios
Turn the flag to ‘Yes’ in order to limit the order holds shown on the “Credit/Order Hold page” to the portfolios the user is assigned to.
Navigation: AR Mgt. > Credit/Order Holds.
The user can select from the list of assigned portfolio(s) for which they want to see the hold(s).
Assigning Portfolios to Users:
Navigation: Account Settings > User Admin > Click on a user > Portfolio Assignment
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