1. Related Companies' Exposure visible in (Pre-) Approval Workflow
(Approval) Users can now view the exposure of related companies during the pre-approval review and approval process. This will allow more effective decision making as more data on the customer is available to the approving officer.
Navigation: Task Console > *REQ number of transaction* > Credit Decision > *hover over blue information icon*
2. Controlling the Type of Surcharge in the Payment Portal
AR Users now have the ability to apply a custom surcharge rate to each type of credit card. The "Enable Surcharges" flag must be toggled "ON" to use. Once enabled, users can set either a percentage rate per card or a fixed amount. The individual rate/amount can be changed using the pencil icon in each row of card types. Users can view and update surcharge exempt states via the page icon.
Navigation: AR Settings > AR Policy > AR Surcharges > Enable Surcharges
Surcharge Rate Functionality
Surcharge Amount Functionality
3. Configurable Market Identifier for UCC Filings Package
Credit users utilizing the NCS integration for UCC Filings can now configure free text for the market identifier at the Business Group level. They can then use this text field to be able to send the BG level code to NCS.
Navigation: Account Settings > UCC Filings Package > Edit Business Group Internal Code
4. Archiving Policy for Order Holds
AR users now have the ability to archive open Sales Order Holds or Recently Released Order Holds so that the users' queues do not overflow with old orders. Administrator users can configure the number of days to archive Open Orders or Released Orders (default policy to archive will be 60 days).
To change the setting: Account Settings > AR Settings > AR Policy
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